Welcome to Some Normal Guys, a premier sports and life blog founded by three friends from suburban Maryland in 2008. In the late hours of August 19, Some Normal Guys started as a loose "what if" sort of joke and quickly snowballed into the powerhouse blog site it is today, all in the span of a few short hours. By launching Some Normal Guys, normal guys Matt Willey, Tyler C Jeffries, and Timmy Polucha look to remain committed to providing interesting and insightful blog posts on sports, movie reviews, and anything else they think might be sweet and worth taking a look at. As of late, SNG has looked to expand it's brand by going into the broadcasting realm of radio and podcasts. Tyler C Jeffries has taken to launching the "Some Normal Guys" talk radio show on the Wagner College Broadcasting Group. You'll find links to those shows listed above. We hope you like it.